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04 October, 2021

Coding for Kids - Catching Them Young

“I code servers where other people can play games. Coding helps me to explore new things every day.”

These aren’t the words of a professional programmer, but of a 9-year-old Dhruv. He nimbly breaks down a problem or an idea and codes the solution in an effective manner. Using logical thinking and creativity Dhruv keeps at it, juggling code after code until he finds the solution. 

30 September, 2021

5 Positive Impacts of Gamification in Workplace

People often get bored with their routine work. They start resenting for turning up for work every day. This makes them lose their efficiency, thereby, affecting their productivity.

Therefore, if work is made fun of, they won’t resist much. 
Gamification does exactly what is called workplace culture fun. It is a “learning through gaming” system. It is helpful in all places of work.

It can be used to motivate people, improve their productivity, and encourage creativity. It is not only used in corporate culture but also gamification in education. It has the following benefits attached to gamification in the workplace: