Insights from the experts
Our focused blog section talks about immersive technology developments, industry applications of simulation and much more.
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5 Business Benefits of AR Integration

In the evolving business landscape, Augmented Reality makes businesses thrive.

From manufacturing to e-commerce, businesses are leveraging numerous benefits of AR integration. Driving sales, increased user engagement, unparalleled user experience, and grown brand awareness are among the inevitable Augmented Reality competencies.

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How AR and VR Strategy is Helpful for Your Business?

Let go of any preconceived notion that Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are just flashy gadgets or limited to gaming sensations like Pokemon Go. It’s time for a business revolution!

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Augmented Reality Packaging: How AR is Revolutionizing Product Packaging

Product packaging. We all see it almost on a daily basis, and yet no one really pays much heed to it. Yes, we’ll recognize our favorite pack of chips and cans of drink down at the mart – but we’re pretty oblivious to the rest, aren’t we?

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Virtual Reality for Tourism Marketing Strategy

The tourism market has seen a staggering decline in recent years, especially in a world that’s recovering from the after-effects of a global pandemic. For instance, it was revealed that the number of international tourists dropped by over 70% after 2020.

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What are the Benefits of Applying Extended Reality Solutions for Your Business

Seeing is believing. That’s a thought that rings true in many facets of our lives. Especially when it comes to watching visuals and spatial content, as they seem to extend our grasp on reality in ways we want to explore or desire.

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Geographic Information Systems: Integrating GIS and AR for Immersive Experiences

Geospatial data is an important aspect of what drives people to explore and chart out new places. It usually comprises valuable pieces of information, such as satellite images, drawn-to-scale maps, and aerial pictures, among other things.
