Relax while learning design and Be Conected

05 October, 2021

Immersive Technology and COVID-19: The Beginning of an Era

When the clock struck midnight on the year 2020, little did anyone know that more than half of humanity would be in self-isolation? Billions of people would be forced to stay indoors against their social instincts. Businesses, no matter how small or big, would be running from the shelter of everyone’s home.

04 October, 2021

Coding for Kids - Catching Them Young

“I code servers where other people can play games. Coding helps me to explore new things every day.”

These aren’t the words of a professional programmer, but of a 9-year-old Dhruv. He nimbly breaks down a problem or an idea and codes the solution in an effective manner. Using logical thinking and creativity Dhruv keeps at it, juggling code after code until he finds the solution.