Insights from the experts
Our focused blog section talks about immersive technology developments, industry applications of simulation and much more.
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Coding for Kids - Catching Them Young

“I code servers where other people can play games. Coding helps me to explore new things every day.”

These aren’t the words of a professional programmer, but of a 9-year-old Dhruv. He nimbly breaks down a problem or an idea and codes the solution in an effective manner. Using logical thinking and creativity Dhruv keeps at it, juggling code after code until he finds the solution. 

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Virtual Reality Real Estate: How VR is Being Used in Real Estate

VR has grown rapidly in recent years, moving from heavy prototypes to mobile and affordable headsets. The content provided by VR is more immersive and realistic, so the devices are observing an increase in demand. VR is used to fulfill commercial and practical purposes.

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5 Ways Your Business Can Take Benefits of Mixed Reality

Mixed reality is created when both the real and virtual world is merged to produce a new environment where physical and digital objects co-exist to allow users to have a feel of the real world.
